Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Extreme Readiness - Cost of Relationship

Everyone once is a while I need an attitude adjustment. This one happened to me today. It reminded me that my light daily struggles are nothing. I have life, health, and liberty. I have a wonderful circle of family and friends. I can write this word of encouragement. I am free to worship.

I was reading for my daily devotion Extreme Devotion: Take the Extreme Challenge by The Voice of the Martyrs. I’d like to share with you Day 3.

Extreme Readiness

Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. – 1 Peter 4:12

China: Pastor Li Dexian

Just as Pastor Li Dexian began his sermon, the doors of the house church burst open. Armed officers of the Chinese Public Security Bureau poured into the room, threatening everyone present and grabbing Li to arrest him.

“Wait; please allow me to grab my bag.” As always, the pastor’s tone with the officers was polite yet firm.

The officers were surprised at the request. “What’s in there?” they demanded, grabbing the black zippered bag Li held and ripping it open. The bag contained a blanket and a spare change of clothes, Li told them, because he had been expecting to be arrested that day.

Pastor Li has been arrested many times. Twice, police had beaten him to the point that he vomited blood, and one time Li’s face was beaten with his own bible. Li was warned that police were watching the village where he held his Tuesday meetings. He knew if he showed up to preach, he would be imprisoned. Today, Chinese citizens can be sent to labor camps for up to three years without a formal trial.

The risks were great, but Li’s bag was packed. More than having a bag packed, though, he had his mind and heart prepared. He was willing to pay any cost to preach the gospel. He was convinced God would care for him – even in prison.
Readiness is a sign of commitment. Commitment that is unprepared to sacrifice is merely compromise in disguise. For example, consider the marriage commitment. It costs one’s selfishness and deals a heavy blow to one’s sense of independence. However, the result is a stronger marriage. Relationships that are not ready to sacrifice for the sake of commitment do not last. Compromise takes a steady toll and weakens our desire and ability to be committed. In the same way, the believer’s commitment to Christ must exact a price in order to maintain its value. We must prepare for the test of our commitment by daily affirming that Christianity is worth it. It’s worth spending our time in daily prayer. It’s worth gathering for worship at church. It’s worth enduring hardship and trial, abuse, and even arrest for the privilege of maintaining our commitment without compromise.
Please [email me] and let me know what this devotion said to you. Blessings, my dear friend!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Run the Race with PERSEVERANCE

Romans 12:1 - Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.

Let’s look at this term “perseverance”. In the Scriptures, we are encouraged to run the race with perseverance (Heb 12:1). There are 3 intriguing verses, which seems quite applicable. They are as follows:

Romans 5:2b-4 - And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. 3Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; 4perseverance, character; and character, hope.

2 Peter 1:5-7 - 5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.

James 1:2-4 - 2Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, 3because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. 4Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

What is perseverance?
The NAS New Testament Greek Lexicon defines it this way …

  • steadfastness, constancy, endurance
  • in the NT the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and piety by even the greatest trials and sufferings
  • patiently, and steadfastly
  • a patient, steadfast waiting for
  • a patient enduring, sustaining, perseverance

Perseverance is an intentional stand in faith, even in the most difficult times. Don’t you want to be there? But, how do you get there? There are two pre-steps declared in these verses that get us to perseverance. These two pre-cursory steps are a generous helping of “self-control” (2 Pe 1:6) or discipline and another helping of “suffering” (Ro 5:3) or self-sacrifice. Neither option is easy medicine to swallow. However, the outcome of perseverance is maturing and completeness.

How we patiently endure the trials and sufferings of life determine our Christian maturity. Because life hands us tough situations, we will have trials. The enemy of our soul would like to use these circumstances to get us to a point where we cannot recover and complete the maturation process. In every way Satan wants to kill, steal, and destroy you (Joh 10:10). But, Jesus is our Balm of Gilead (Jer 8:22). We have a choice in what we do with the storms and trials of life. Do we let the tough things (e.g., death, sorrows, pain, hard times) make us bitter or better? We choose life! We choose to be better! However, God searches our hearts in all things. He will shake everything that can be shaken (Heb 12:25-29). So, when things get tough, are you determined to become better in the situation? You can make it! You can have that enduring, sustaining strength that waits steadfastly for the hand of God to move. Jesus is our Rock of Ages (Is 26:4). The Lord Almighty is your fortress and salvation (Ps 28:8), your shelter in the storm (Is 25:4), your refuge in the times of trouble (Ps 59:16), and your stronghold (Ps 9:9). He can turn this trial into a trophy of God’s faithfulness.

If you need perseverance during a tough time that you are experiencing right now, reread these Scriptures, which are found below. Then, take ten minutes and write down three proclamations of faith that you stand on today. For example, you might want to declare, “Lord Jesus, just like David, you are MY hiding place (refuge) for today. Ps. 59:16 says, “But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.” I need you! I stand faithfully waiting for your deliverance.” Then, carry those three statements of faith with you throughout the day and refer to them. Reread the Scriptures. Know that God is with you!

Please Pray
Lord Jesus, You are my shelter, my rock, and my fortress. You never fail! I desire to persevere through this trial, which I place in Your hand. As you well-know, sometimes I feel like I’m about to drown. But, You will rescue me! I acknowledge your faithfulness and trust You for the end results. I will not dilute the effectiveness of Your Word in my life! I will not back-down! I am determined to trust you today. I sing of Your greatness! You and Your Word will never fail me! You are my strength for today! In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

John 10:10 - The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
Jeremiah 8:22 -Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?

Isaiah 26:4 -Trust in the LORD forever, for the LORD, the LORD, is the Rock eternal.
Psalm 28:8 - The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one.
Isaiah 25:4 - You have been a refuge for the poor, a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat. For the breath of the ruthless is like a storm driving against a wall
Psalm 59:16 - But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble.
Psalm 9:9 - The LORD is a refuge for the oppressed, a stronghold in times of trouble.

Monday, March 9, 2009

A Favorite Outreach Story by Moni

Gilbert Bilezikian, in Community 101, tells a story that is worth repeating. It happened in the Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago. This is a church where ministry is recognized not as the privilege of the few, but as the divine call for all to invest themselves fully and joyfully in the work of the kingdom. Under the broad ministry umbrella of the church, more than a hundred sub-ministries are in place, functioning around the clock or ready to respond to emergencies at a moment's notice. Most of those ministries were started because someone in the congregation saw a need, gathered a team of believers with similar gifting and passion around herself or himself, and, under staff coordination, launched a new dimension of outreach or community care sustained by volunteer lay workers.

One Sunday, as Bilezikian was standing at the back of the auditorium watching worshippers making their way out of the building, someone tapped him on the shoulder. Turning, he saw a shy, plain-looking woman with two small children standing quietly beside her. She said, "Dr. B, I want to thank the people of this church. It saved our lives." Intrigued by her statement, he asked her what she meant. In a flat monotone voice, without show of emotion, she told her story.

She had attended the church with her children and they had loved it. As a result she had received Jesus as her Savior. Then, eighteen months previously, her husband had left her for another woman. He took the car and they had two months rent due on her apartment. There was no money and almost no food. She didn't know who to go to for help and all her neighbors went to work every day. She sat alone in the empty building crying all the time. She became sad and could do nothing. All that came in the mail was bills and letters from lawyers asking for money. She thought they might die and hoped that all three would die at the same time. Eventually she had the idea of going out in the middle of the night and searching her neighbors' garbage bins for food. Then, she said, a miracle happened:

One evening, the buzzer rang. When I opened the door, an angel of the Lord was standing there. She came in, saw my predicament, and left. That same evening, some people came in and brought a beautiful hot meal. A man and his son brought bags of groceries and children's clothes. They said it was all from the church's food pantry. Two people came with a little stack of twenty dollar bills and said the money was ours. I couldn't believe my eyes, for they were complete strangers to me.

The next day, the rent was paid and the phone reconnected. Two ladies came in, put a set of keys on the table, and said there was a car parked outside that was provided by the car ministry of the church and that it was mine. In the following days, they arranged for child care and gave me leads so I could look for a job. I did find a job and now we're standing on our own feet. I know we're going to make it. You see, Dr. B, this church saved our lives.

Bilezikian made a discreet inquiry and found out that the "angel" in the story was none other than the Sunday School teacher of one of the children. She had noticed the child's absence and had tried to reach the family on the phone. Upon learning that the phone had been disconnected, she assumed that they had moved away and removed the card from the file. But it was her habit to pray through the roster of children periodically. Each time she came to the name of this child she felt a strange unrest. Finally, she got up one morning, pulled out the family's address, located it on the map, and in the evening, after work, drove over - just in case.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Loving Life by Moni

Some time ago I had the fun opportunity of having lunch with two special friends. Each of these ladies have faithfully served God in their individual callings. Although we are all different, each one has the richness and evidence of the Holy Spirit in their lives. During our meal we discussed the practical truths that God has penetrated into each heart through our respective years of service. I would like to share those truths with you.

Treat Others as You Want them to Treat You
One lady, whose kind heart, is always extending the grace of the Lord to others, mentioned that her mother had taught her to initiate a generous heart towards others. This is based out of principles in Mt 7:12 and Lu 6:31, which is also known as the Golden Rule. In that mindset, she always considers the heart of the other person. If she were in their shoes, how would she feel? Was she kind (1 Co 13:4)? Did she extend a helping hand (Ro 12:8)? Did she think the best of others, giving them the benefit in the situation (1 Co 13:7). As you get to know this sister-in-Christ, this truth is part of her demeanor. She lives the Christian walk! She cares about others. This truth is often intertwined into other Christian laws:

  • Law of “Sowing and Reaping” (Ga 6:9-10)
  • Law of Reciprocity1

When we are so busy, we often neglect the opportunities of the moment to share the Word of God’s grace into each moment. As of late, my husband and I have recommitted our hearts to take the time to encourage others. We want to make sure that we take the necessary moments to share the wonderful love of God as others cross our path. This may mean a kind word at a check-out, a special question of interest as coffee is poured, or a concern for a family member as you are helped in the store. God has called us to be proclaimers and encouragers to this generation. Often we miss the opportunity to strengthen the believers around us throughout our day-to-day activities. We center on the key of the moment, rather than scanning those on the peripheral who need a Word for the day. Other times we miss the chance to bring Christ’s example to an unbeliever because we are so intentional in living our own Christian lives. May the Lord use our everyday moments in life to invade and infiltrate those around us with the hope of eternity.

Proactively extending God’s grace into each relationship is certainly a foundation stone of walking out God’s love. We can graciously and winningly impact others in our everyday situations as we smile and chat with our neighbor, business acquaintance, fellow-worker, service attendant, and others. Use the moment!

Sustained Disciplines when No One is Looking
The other lady, a beautiful Christian woman, mentioned that her greatest truth which helped her to successfully live the Christian life comes through daily, consistent, disciplined lifestyle. This type of unswerving mindset is that which is birthed and maintained mostly when no one else is looking. It’s the life disciplines that are maintained through daily devotions (Ac 17:11), the guarding of your tongue (Jas 1:26), the continually cleansed heart (Heb 10:22), the commitment to prayer (1 Th 5:17), the willingness to serve the Lord (Ps 100:2), the caring for others (Jas 1:27), etc. All of these are internal commitments which unleash the moving of God for a lifetime.

Sometimes we think that if we concentrate a few days of our lives to this revival or renewal, we will see things change in us and others. We have allowed the “quick fix” mentality to penetrate our churches. The Lord is looking for those who are fully committed to serving Christ day in and day out in the small and everyday activities of life. In fact, I dare to say, that it’s the daily, minute-by-minute working of the Spirit in daily disciplines that cause the greatness of a man or woman to shine.

Running the Race with Endurance
I have one drive, I want to see Christ in all of His beauty. My husband and I have been married for 39 years. Early in our marriage the Lord miraculously touched our daughter at birth. This extension of God’s grace into our lives brought us face-to-face with a living and active God. In complete surrender, we forever committed to serving Christ with everything that is within us. After all of these years, God has never failed us once. He is faithful and true. He has seen us through difficult health and financial situations. He has carried us through when no one else knew the depth of pain and hurt.

When we were young, we were determined to serve Him. He proved His faithfulness over and over. At mid-life, we are determined to serve Him. He will continue to prove to us that He is Lord of heaven and earth. It is our heart’s desire to serve Him with unabated determination as we reach the age to “take the mountain” in our sunset years (Jos 14:10-12). We know that we have to take care of ourselves and each other so that we can cherish the opportunities set before us with strength and grace as we set aside those things, which so easily entangle us (Heb 12:1).

Summation of Years of Experience
As I summarize the truths we shared at lunch that day, it is easy to determine that the greatest lessons are internally gained. No one has a quick 10-step course to victory in Christ. Life is filled with surprises. We also know that the enemy of our soul seeks to discourage us. By the grace of God we can stand fast in our individual God-given callings by these simple, yet profound truths.

  1. Treat others with God’s grace. (That’s how you want to be treated.)
  2. It’s the consistent, daily, disciplines that cause you to be strong.
  3. Have a resolve to finish this race. Run to win the prize.

God has a plan for you.
Do you wonder if I’m for real? Have you never seen or known of such grace? Does God seem far away? This is your time to surrender to Christ. Please go to [here] and read through the steps of commitment. It’s easy. Full surrender, putting Christ as the center/control of your life will cost you everything. You will no longer be in control of your life and your decisions. Christ Jesus asks that you take up your cross and follow Him (Mt 16:24).

Are you discouraged? Do you need victory over the situations at hand? The Lord wants you to again draw close to Him (Heb 10:22-23). He desires to make a way for you where there seems to be no way (Heb 11:29-30). He is victorious. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Nothing is impossible for Him (Lu 1:37). Maybe you have trusted Christ some time ago, but have gradually allowed your heart to slip from giving God time each day. Maybe you no longer allow Him to direct your steps. If so, please go to
[here] and make a fresh commitment to serve the Lord. Christ Jesus also asks you to take up your cross and follow Him. The Lord will always be faithful.

However, please know that I must tell you that there is a heaven and a hell (Mt 25:46). Oftentimes we in America “know” all about Christ in our head; but, we choose to continually do things as we want to. If you choose not to yield afresh to him each and every day, you are living for self. All selfish living will come under judgment. One day the Lord will ask you what you did with the days He gave you. At that day, you will have the opportunity to give an account. I pray that as a wise steward (Lu 12:42), you will have faithfully served Christ. If you have any questions about these basic biblical truths, please [email] me. We want you to be found in Christ, growing in His grace and knowledge each and every day!

Footnotes: 1Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, Ethic of reciprocity, (Jan 2007).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Shattered Dreams? by Moni

Has there ever been the threat of trouble in your life? During difficult times, just as a strong, tall oak tree is tested and becomes strong through winds of adversity, so our faith will increase and result in us being better, stronger, and more complete in Christ. A special reminder may be in order that everyone goes through trouble and hurt at one point or another. As written in Job 5:7, “Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward.” But, be reassured. God has a purpose in trials and will produce a strong, firm, unbendable, unshakeable faith within us as we trust Him completely.

Our Personal Testimony:
It was the spring of 1996 and I remember standing under the doorway with tears streaming down my face. My husband was in bed, struggling with a deep depression. We had just completed 10 years of pastoring, during which time we pioneered two churches. Those ten years, although overflowing with God’s grace and mercy, were extremely physically, financially, and emotionally draining. We loved the people and the path that we were on; but, we painfully realized that we needed renewal in our own lives. We couldn’t continue on the current path. We loved doing what God had called us to do. But, we had no choice but to make a change. Because of health reasons we had to temporarily leave that which we loved so very much. It was heartbreaking. It was humbling. It was a most difficult time.

This was probably one of the harder days in our life. I remember asking God, “What are we going to do?” It seemed that all was lost. Fortunately, we knew the faithfulness of God. We had previously gone through other tough seasons and God had carried us through those days, too.

Lesson Learned #1: The enemy lies & tells us to hibernate.
There are times when we need to bear in silence the things not understood. But, just don’t let the enemy isolate you from friends and fellowship at this time. Even if the pain is too deep to grasp or share, God gives a way where there seems to be no way. Maybe there’s a friend who will share a cup of coffee. At this time, in my life, I had an elderly neighbor who could always see the sunlight, even on a cloudy day. She would encourage me to smile and laugh. However, the lesson learned at this time was that God is my greatest friend and he understands my heart and circumstances. Therefore, I drew near to God (Heb 7:18-19) and found Him to be my refuge and strength (Ps 46:1).

Lesson Learned #2: The enemy lies & tells us, "There's no hope."
There are days when it almost seems impossible. Even if the heavens sound as brass (De 28:23), you must remember that God has carried you through tough days and that he’ll do it again. One of the important disciplines to develop in life is to remember the Lord’s blessings and faithfulness. As Moses declared (De 11:19) that we are to recount the Lord’s faithfulness, maybe you could journal or write down His times of faithfulness. Maybe you could save memorabilia and keep them on display as a reminder. Whatever your methodology, establish a visual pattern of remembrance so that when the days are dark and there seems no hope, you can recount the Lord’s faithfulness and be assured that He will again be faithful (Ps 25:10).

Lesson Learned #3: The enemy lies to us & calls us a failure.
Probably one of the greatest struggles in times of despair is finding hope in who you are and the path that God has for you. In our lives, because this was a health issue, we asked the Lord for His divine intervention and walked accordingly. But, we didn’t see our prayers materialize. We knew the Scriptures. We knew the Lord’s kindness. Yet, it was as if we were walking in a dark place with dense fog all around. We were barely able to see past the step ahead of us. However, during that time, the Scriptures continued to be our hope (Ps 119:147).

Many people are struggling today with broken dreams. Maybe you feel that there is no hope. You might be in the midst of shattered dreams. Maybe all that you have worked for is gone. Maybe you are going through difficult days because of close personal relationships. I’d like to encourage you with the Word of God.

Lesson Learned #4: God directs us through difficult days.
This world is full of brokenness, which is a result either of mankind’s sin or personal sin. Not everything that we desire can be realized in this lifetime. However, we can choose each and every day to serve the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Luke 10:27a). We can recognize that He is Lord of Heaven and Earth and the He will keep all of His promises to mankind. One of the keys for making it through the tough times in life comes from Henry Blackaby’s study, Knowing and Doing the Will of God1, which encourages us to “watch to see what God is doing around us and join Him”.

Lesson Learned #5: God wants to show us who He is!
My husband and I are a common, everyday couple. If you get to know us, you’ll soon learn about our faults and human frailties. We have also made lots of mistakes. Yet, we have experienced the power of our resurrected Savior who loves to do the supernatural through ordinary vessels. The Lord delights in making His presence known to mankind. The Lord may have to adjust one’s plans, but He will certainly direct one’s steps. As a perfect gardener, He also prunes us for a greater yield of produce (Jo 15:1-2). Please, do not be discouraged. God will carry you through this trial. He is faithful!

Lesson Learned #6: God wins.
God has a plan for mankind. He wants you to draw close to Him (He 10:22-23). He desires to make a way where there is no way (Heb 11:29-30). He is victorious. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. Nothing is impossible for Him (Lu 1:37).

1Blackaby, Henry T & Claude V King, Knowing and Doing the Will of God (Nashville, Tennessee: LifeWay Press, 1990), p. 28.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Help for Difficult Times by Moni

Please do not be discouraged about the recent media diversions. The Lord is faithful! We all know that the enemy is out to kill, steal, and destroy us: our lives, our families, our church. We in the church have sometimes developed patterns of displaying a façade that "all is well", when really it is not. The brother or sister sitting next to you in church or work may be significantly hurting and they have no answer to the dilemma. How can you encourage them to keep pressing on in the faith? :

One asks, “How are things?” The typical answer is, “Fine.”

Another ask, “How are you?” The tripe reply is, “Fine.”

Have you ever wondered what you would say to Job on this side of the cross?

I have several dear friends who have diligently sought God, even participating in days of prayer and fasting, and still have no answers. Days have been tough for them. There have been lingering illnesses, discouraging periods of confusion, loss of work, death in the family, etc. Almost continuously their prayers seem to stop at the ceiling as they have been tested month after month, even year after year.

Job’s sorry comforters did not have the right answers. Recently I prayed with a dear friend in this type of a situation. I did not have any pat answers for her. Nonetheless, I know that the Lord is faithful and will continue to be faithful. She also understood His faithfulness. I could stand with her in prayer that day and continue to do so since I knew her needs. I knew that she was kneeling blamelessly and surrendered before Her Lord and Savior day after day, seeking His face.

Sometimes we don’t have answers for the particular situations before us. Oftentimes we need to simply, but wholeheartedly stand in the Lord’s faithfulness. Here are a few reminders for the days when we walk through trials without answers.
  1. Know who God is.
  2. Know God’s promises.
  3. Recite God's faithfulness to yourself.
  4. Consistently wrestle with God in prayer.
  5. Stand fast again Satan.
  6. Wait on God.
  7. Stay in fellowship.
  8. Be accountable.
  9. Engage prayer warriors on your behalf.

Know who God is. God is faithful (1 Co 1:9) and true (Joh 17:3). He is Master of the universe, yet intimately involved with you. He is the Author and Perfecter (Heb 12:2) of your faith! He carries you through every situation (Ps 18:16). Get fully acquainted with Him and His ways.

Know His promises. In times of great challenge, we need to be reminded of God’s unshakeable commitment to us. Here are just a couple of the promises found in God’s Word. Take time to search these promises. As you read, speak, and listen to the Word of God, it changes you.

Remember, also, the following Scriptures.
  • “Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. The very hairs of your head are numbered.” (Lu 12:7)
  • How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! God thinks of you as much as the sands of the sea. (Ps 139:17-18)
  • The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged." (De 31:8)

Recite God's faithfulness to yourself. Keep a running notebook of the Lord’s faithfulness. Throughout our years, we have seen and experienced the Lord’s goodness. We can tell you of the many times that He has carried us through the tough times. His faithfulness has become more sure to us through each testing.

A friend recently shared that since her children are young, she takes a meaningful picture each time they experience the Lord’s faithfulness and see His hand in answered prayer. She then frames the pictures and hangs them in the hallway and around the house. At Thanksgiving they put these pictures on display and recount the Lord’s faithfulness. The pictures are reminders and visual illustrations of the Lord’s consistent faithfulness. Then, she starts the picture taking over and teaches the Lord’s faithfulness year after year. These children have developed into terrific prayer warriors.

I have held many things in my hands, and I have lost them all; but whatever I have placed in God's hands, that I still possess” – Martin Luther1

Consistently wrestle with God in prayer. Everyone “wrestles” with God in a different way. Some of us seek God quietly. Some of us are quite verbal. However you best connect with God, consistently push through the crowd to touch God Almighty (Mt 9:20).

  • But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me." (Gen 32:26)
  • "Luther said: ‘If I fail to spend two hours in prayer each morning, the devil gets the victory through the day. I have so much business I cannot get on without spending three hours daily in prayer.’ He had a motto: ‘He that has prayed well has studied well.’”2

Stand fast against Satan. Do not listen to the lies that Satan subtly tries to place in your mind and heart. It is too easy to wonder if God has forgotten you. When discouraged, you may be condemned by a sinful past, thinking you don’t deserve abundant life (Joh 10:10) that others know. Satan is very good about knowing your doubts, insecurities and fears and will whisper little lies into your ears that seem so believable. They must be rejected immediately and replaced with the truth that is found in God’s Word. A good rule of thumb is to test your feelings, doubts, and fears against the truth about God. God is loving (Mic 7:18), merciful (Da 9:9), full of grace (1 Co 1:3) and faithful (Ps 89:8). If you find yourself wondering if things will ever change or if your situation will ever improve, you can stand on the attributes of God and choose life. "This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live" De 30:19. (Please note that this Scripture doesn’t speak of any middle ground, one either chooses death or life.)

Wait on God. It is essential that you wait on God (Ps 33:20). God cares about you! However, because of mankind’s unwillingness to wait upon the Lord for His timing, there are many Scriptural examples of what happens. Ichabods are created by the hand of man (1 Sa 4:21). Do you remember some of man’s imperfect solutions that have been thrust unto the horizon because of doubt and impatience? Eve’s sin caused Adam to sin (Ge 3:6). Sarah’s solution to her barrenness produced Esau (Ge 16:2). From experience, may I say that even in most desperate situations, it is easy to come up with a solution that you can create to make do. However, be patient! Wait on God for His answers.

Stay in fellowship. During times of great challenge, may I encourage you to stay in fellowship (Lu 15:4). There’s nothing that the enemy of our soul would like to do more than to isolate and separate. Most people tend to withdraw into themselves and away from others in a protective reflex. "I am hurting enough as it is. If I have to face any more rejection or get stepped on by another person, I don't think I could handle it." "I'm too ashamed of where I am or what I've let happen in my life to face people or admit to it." Isolation is a great tool of the enemy and he is incredibly effective in employing it. The enemy is out to kill you (Jn 10:10)! Therefore, trust in God and stay connected. If it has been a while since you have had a cup of coffee with a strong believer, now is the time. Listen to the Word in your local church. If you are having a problem getting connected, email [
email] me so that we can talk!

Be accountable. May I challenge you to take just one more step further in commitment. Find a friend who is willing to keep you accountable. Even if you don’t have anything special or positive to report, find a friend who will make sure that you are disciplining yourself daily in the Word and prayer. Be honest. We all need accountability. You are not intended to walk this path alone (Am 3:3; Mt 18:19). The Holy Spirit is your best friend, making intercession for you (Rm 8:27). Enjoy the Body of Christ and find a friend who will stand with you!

Engage prayer warriors on your behalf. Every one should have a prayer shield around them. Prayer is a mighty force. Oftentimes when you are discouraged, you need extra support from friends, who are willing to keep you in prayer. If you are needing some extra prayer support, [

1Martin, Luther, Think Exist Quotations, ( accessed 7 August 2007.
Martin, Luther,'s Sermon Index, ( accessed 7 August 2007.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Seek the Lord & Dream Big by Moni

Don’t you love hearing about the miraculous breakthroughs given to others? I love watching the Lord work in your life. I believe that the Lord has a purpose and destiny for us to be most effective in our lives. With recent reports in the media, I very much appreciated Pastor Brady’s words on Sunday when he said, “our past does not determine our destiny”. (To listen to the timely message, see All of our lives are meant to be a testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness. The Lord has so much more for all of us. I challenge you to seek the Lord and dream big! I believe that the Lord is the source of all creativity and He wants to challenge you to do more for the Kingdom of God with that which is within you.

Many of us are challenged with finding ways to effectively share Christ in our everyday opportunities. With so much happening in our daily adventures, we need the Lord’s presence and grace. One thing I have learned is that God gives us creative thinking in our daily lives. His ways are so much higher than our ways. His thoughts are so much higher than our thoughts. [Is 55:9] We are challenged to make the most of every conversation. Whether in a small-private or a large-corporate atmosphere, as Christians, we certainly desire the Lord’s presence and wisdom for evangelism opportunities.

Here are five steps to help you Dream Big:

  1. Know who you are in Christ Jesus. Perhaps in the past we have allowed the enemy of our souls to corner us into believing for less and/or down-playing our Christian walk. Some are even told that they must hold their tongues. However, I want to challenge you to find every way possible to share Christ according to your personality. Know who you are in Christ and share it daily with others.
  2. Pray over Your Daily Decisions. Oftentimes you don’t know the best decision between two different opportunities. Either way could work. We know that it is the Lord who gives the increased wisdom [Dn 2:21] for our daily walk. Do you not need His wisdom over what you are facing today? Has it been a long time since you’ve seen the Lord’s hand in a marvelous way? Take time to pray!
  3. Stay Accountable. Living to full-potential means that one has to stay on their knees to be on the cutting edge. To do so means mitigating risks and taking chances. To the world those types of situations often mean being abrupt, hurting individuals, taking advantage, etc. But, we as Christians, must be above reproach [Php 2:15]. We must stand guard about any inappropriate advantages and/or deceitfulness. As stewards [Rom 14:12] we will have to give an account. So, quite frankly, I would rather give account on this earth, receive correction, and change course than to have a heart unyielding and have to give an account before the Almighty. All of our actions will be judged. Therefore, make sure that you are accountable now.
  4. Document. As you pray before retiring for the evening, keep a notepad and pencil on your bed stand. During the night hours or during light sleep, write down the ideas that interrupt your sleep. Then, you will sleep better. Keep your notepad with you, especially during the first 10 minutes after you wake up. You’ll be surprised at how many ideas are actually circulating in your head. God gives to His beloved, even in their sleep [Ps 127:2]. Because you may be a bit drowsy, you allow your “God-thoughts” to be erased from memory. Make a special effort and allow 5-10 minutes to write down your early morning thoughts, immediately after awakening.
  5. Dream. Seek Him to do the impossible. Seek the Lord for wisdom. Then, after calculating and praying over risk, walk on the water! God is the “Dream-Giver”. You know the dreams that God has given you. Pray and seek the Lord’s wisdom. Try them!

Monday, January 19, 2009

Daily Devotions by Moni

Mark 8:34-35 -
Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it.”

Living for Christ
Undoubtedly, just like me, many of you have been a dedicated Christian for quite some time. Perhaps you have recently recommitted your life to serving Christ. However, no matter how many years you have walked with Christ, you are still probably struggling with reading God’s Word on a regular basis. We all know that we should daily read the Book that gives us meaning and life. We know that it is the Bible that helps us face the challenges of each day. Whether we are faced each day with business problems, discouragement, unrealistic deadlines, the pitter-patter of little feet around us 24x7, or health or financial issues, this is the only way that we can hope to bring peace to the unrealistic expectations of each day.

More Determined than Ever
The Barna Group reports Bible reading declines with age, 58% of elders and 47% of Boomers read the Bible, only 32% of “Mosaics” or Gen-Ys do so in a typical week. (Weekly Reader Research for the American Bible Society, Christian Post 7/18/06). As Christians, we have to fight to continue in the Word. There is too much of life competing for our time and attention. Before we know it, the minutes merge into hours and the day slips away with no time for the Word of God. Sometimes, we may try to barter or defend ourselves before God, saying, “Tomorrow, Father, I’ll make time,” as if we think the time spent in the Word helps Him. We often fail to remind ourselves that as we dig into the Word, we are transformed by the renewing of our mind (Rom.12:2). With that transformation, we are jolted back into black-and-white reality that “success” in this world in only found in Christ.

What are your options?
With so much available, you might get into the Word while running. Perhaps you listen to iPod-Casts while exercising. Perhaps you pop in a CD on the commute to the office. You might even find yourself escaping into your closet to read the Word of God before the rest of the family is up and about. There are so many creative ways that you can listen or read the Word every day. However, be practical. When you receive the Word, make it applicable to you.

Early in my life, I would have a goal of getting through the Word within an allotted period of time. Now, after reading through the Word many times, I have found I receive the greatest personal insight into the Word of God by reading fewer chapters and/or verses, but taking five to ten minutes to find one verse that I can apply for the day. The Lord is always speaking through His Word. However, often we have some preconceived idea of how we think the Lord is going to direct us. Most of the time we are just too busy and don’t take the time to apply His Word. Maybe we think we’ll have that one-time “holy” event when He steps into our life and we actually, audibly hear His voice. And, no matter if those times happen or not, the greatest joy is to know the truth of His Word in everyday activities. He always desires to speak to us!

What will you loose?
If you take time to be in His Word each day, you will loose the opportunity to be putty in the enemy’s hands since offenses will not be able to easily lodge in your heart. You will loose the chance to fight your way to the top, knowing that the Lord is the “way-maker”. You will also loose the slippage of time and missed opportunities because you will notice that as you prioritize God in your life, the rest of life happens in God-ordained moments of grace and peace (Micah 4:12). By God’s grace, when we give up rights to every moment of each day, we begin to recognize that real gains come after steps of consecration.

What will you gain?
As you set aside time to daily read the Word of God, you will see more of life given back to you. It’s much like the discipline of tithing; the ten percent given to God, often makes the ninety percent remaining go farther than the original one hundred would have ever gone. In today’s economics, it just does not make sense. Yet we understand that God’s ways are far above our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). You will also see the Word of God giving you strength, wisdom, and grace for the situations at hand (James 4:3). In fact, as we put His Word before us each day, we will see the miraculous of His hand in our lives. He is so holy, great, and mighty. Only, as we surrender that which we deem to be so very important, will daily fullness of life be returned (James 1:5).

What are your comments? Email me ( I'd love to encourage you in your daily devotional walk. Blessings!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sanctity of Human Life Week (Jan 18-25, 2009) by Moni

Below is a picture of a 21-week-old unborn baby named Samuel Alexander Armas, who is being operated on by surgeon named Dr. Joseph Bruner, taken August 19, 1999.

The baby was diagnosed with spina bifida and would not survive if removed from his mother's womb. Little Samuel's mother, Julie Armas, is an obstetrics nurse in Atlanta. She knew of Dr Bruner's remarkable surgical procedure. Practicing at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, he performs these special operations while the baby is still in the womb.

The editors titled the picture, 'Hand of Hope.' The photograph captures this amazing event with perfect clarity. The text explaining the picture begins, 'The tiny hand of 21-week-old fetus Samuel Alexander Armas emerges from the mother's uterus to grasp the finger of Dr Joseph Bruner as if thanking the doctor for the gift of life.'
During the procedure, the doctor removes the uterus via C-section and makes a small incision to operate on the baby. As Dr. Joseph Bruner completed the surgery on Samuel, the little guy reached his tiny, but fully developed hand through the incision and firmly grasped the surgeon's finger. Dr Bruner was reported as saying that when his finger was grasped, it was the most emotional moment of his life, and that for an instant during the procedure he was just frozen, totally immobile.

Little Samuel's mother said they 'wept for days' when they saw the picture. She said, 'The photo reminds us pregnancy isn't about disability or an illness, it's about a little person.’ Samuel was born in perfect health, the operation 100 percent successful.

Of course this photograph brings much controversy to the forefront for those who are abortion-minded. For more information about this photograph, please read For more information about Sanctity of Human Life Week, please see

We, as believers, must be clear!
God is the author of all life, which begins at the moment of conception.
Please remember to thank the Lord for life today.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. - Psalm 139:13-14 (NIV)